Auto queue to reprocess failed consitutent sync records (LO/BBCRM Sync tool)

From a LO/CRM Sync tool (v 2.6) to CRM 4.0, when we hit a failure (i.e. "operation has timed out" or an "unexpected exception") develop a way to "auto" queue up these failures for reprocessing in the next sync.  This will remove the action for the client to manually select the record to be reprocessed, for each and ever record that fails. If the record "Failed", reprocessing in all instances is warranted since an operation timeout or unexpected exception are not issues resolved by "fixing" a record, but rather issues related to system performance/available resources.  


Having the records sit as "failed" and don't queue for reprocess currently - unless manually keyed/clicked creates issues with revenue applying to a record.  If the record wasn't created due to a "failure" then the revenue cannot commit to CRM.

  • Alex Kochiss
  • Jul 5 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product API's
Org/Company Name Save The Children USA
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