Sync offline gifts entered in LCRM to LO constituent records

We use LCRM for multiple offline gift batch entries on a regular basis, and any gift entered in the offline LCRM system does not sync over to transactions under the constituent record in Luminate Online. However, anything entered in LO syncs over to LCRM. Our organization processes a lot of offline gifts that come in through various events throughout the year, where people give checks/cash in envelopes and then we record their gift in LCRM. Because it isn't possible to do multiple gift-batch entries at one time in LO, we use LCRM for this function. If we didn't do it this way, we would have to manually go into each individual constituent record in LO to add an offline gift, which would take 3 times the amount of time it does to do it in LCRM using gift batches. The frustration with this is that all the new features rolling out in Luminate Beta are not fully applicable for us, since they aren't showing a complete picture of our data. For example, the filters in Beta used for pulling lists, such as giving history, are only showing the giving history represented in LO when a constituent might also have offline gifts entered in LCRM. It's the same with the SKY reporting. It only shows transactions that happened in LO, not also what's in LCRM, which isn't a complete picture of our revenue. So while these new features in Beta are very appealing, their functionality isn't fully accurate based on the data it's pulling from. If there was way to sync LCRM gift batch entries to LO or add an offline gift-batch entry importer within LO, that would be ideal for organizations using both LCRM and LO who want to have an accurate representation of their data in the new features of Luminate Beta.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Mercy Multiplied
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