Luminate emails that have a bad bounce or bad email, should be synced to Raiser's Edge to update the data in RE

When Luminate marks an email address with a bad bounce or bad email.  It should remove the accept mail in Luminate and should sync the information to RE/LO.  I would like to update my RE records with this information so I can mark the emails as inactive and check the Request No Email box.  Our MGOs rely on RE data not Luminate and don't have access to Luminate.  So they want this information updated since they email their donors one on one from RE, not Luminate.  It also helps because an MGO can see in the record that the email we have is bad and sometimes they will have an updated one or can get it for us.  then when we get that information, we would mark the new address as Primary and uncheck the Request No Email box and then the new information will be updated in Luminate.

  • Patti Posey
  • Feb 6 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Guest commented
      April 22, 2019 20:37

      Agree with Patti 100%. RE is the primary database, it needs to be clear in that database both 1) if they accept email and 2) if their email address is good or bad. 

    • Patti Posey commented
      February 12, 2018 15:29

      But this doesn’t help with the issue we have in our RE database. We don’t know that they are bad addresses because it doesn’t send any notice to RE. Our primary database is RE not Luminate. If we don’t know that the addresses in RE are bad, how are we to know that we need to reach out to our donors for updated emails? We have been running in to this issue with sending emails to some of our VIPs, not knowing that the emails are bouncing. I am sure in most organizations that the MGOs are not searching in Luminate for find out if the address is good or bad, they look to RE for that information. It would at least be nice if it could mark the email in RE showing a bounce like it does in Luminate. Then they would see that and try to get good emails.

      Patti Posey
      Stamford Hospital Foundation
      1351 Washington Blvd, Suite 202
      Stamford, CT 06902
      (203) 276-5975

    • Ken Cantu commented
      February 09, 2018 22:34

      Hello, this is done because the constituent hasn't opted out of email but their email becomes is just not deliverable. The difference being that if we got an updated email we would then be able to email the constituent again where if the hard bounce trips the Request No Email flag, if you got updated email address they would still remain in a do not email state.  If Accepts Email is removed in Luminate then it does flip the Request No Email flag. 

      I will leave this idea open to capture to need to pass the email address status so this can be keyed off of in RE. 

