Create a way to automate BBCRM credentials to adjust the sync configuration password when the LO sync is deployed in BBCRM

When the LO sync is deployed in CRM - the area within the sync configurations requires an Admin password or 401 error occurs when the sync runs.   A BBCRM admin passwords resets every 90 days - and the sync must have valid credentials.  The process currently requires navigating into the sync configuration every 90 days to update the admin credentials in BBCRM.   Please find a way to either A) allow for BBCRM passwords to not expire or B) not require the password credentials in the sync or C) allow for the password to adjust dynamically as the admin account changes password

  • Alex Kochiss
  • Sep 22 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Security
Org/Company Name Save The Children USA
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