Allow soft credit of registration fees

Hi there, 

We would like to be able to soft credit registration fees to participants. This would solve the following 4 scenarios: 

  • Currently when someone registers and makes an additional donation, they are unable to change the soft credit on the additional donation if that was meant for another participant or for their team. 
  • When enabling Family Registration with "Include Registration Fees in Fundraising Totals," secondary registrations show up at $0 raised instead of the registration fee that was paid for them.
  • When someone decides that they are unable to join, their registration fee can then be soft credited to another Team, TeamRaiser or Participant on their behalf as a donation.
  •  When a participant moves to a lower valued registration type, instead of processing a refund - it can be turned into a donation. 

Thanks a bunch! 


  • Guest
  • Jul 27 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name hjc new media
  • Attach files
  • Katie Vitale commented
    19 Sep, 2016 03:38pm

    This would be a great way to connect primary and secondary registrations within RE. I have no way of knowing who the primary has paid for. Even if they have the same last name or address, we are made to guess and hope we're right which is not a scalable solution.