Transaction Management group - split permissions. Fundraisers should be allowed to soft-credit but not refund.

We aim to empower our fundraising and customer support teams to manage soft credits, given the frequent requests they receive to transfer donations between team members or from direct donations to team captains, among others.

However, granting these permissions also grants them the ability to issue refunds and change donor names in gifts, which directly impacts tax receipting and financials. While we trust our staff, the risk is too great.

The current permission settings are hindering our ability to provide better service to our constituents. These permissions should be independent, allowing each organization to set the combination that works best for them.

  • Kabiria Espinosa
  • Apr 5 2024
Area of the Product Security
Org/Company Name LLSC
  • Attach files
  • Steven Lopresti commented
    11 Sep, 2024 01:53pm

    Receipting and refunds should absolution have their own permission levels/categories and not be lumped in with editing gifts.