When a participant changes their registratoin type and the fee is different. We should be able to charge the additional fee as a registration fee and not have to add it as a donation.

We have several registration types with several fees.  On the day of the event, participants decide to switch to a 5K or 10K instead of walk.  They paid for walk but there is a dollar difference in the run.  They give us the difference.  When we get back to the office, we make the registration change and then have to add the additional amount as a donation.  It's not a donation, it's a registration fee.  This affects our tracking of registration fees, types, donations.  We should be able to make the adjustment in the registration.

  • Patti Posey
  • Jun 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Stamford Hospital Foundation
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