UnblockMe Notification or automatic email status update

Issue: When a constituent fills out the UnblockMe form their email status is not updated from Bad Bounce to Good and is still unable to receive emails through Luminate after being removed from the UnblockMe list.

Possible Solutions:

  • Create a way to update the email status to Good/Unknown in Luminate once a constituent has filled out the UnblockMe form.

  • Send a notification to an organization admin once a constituent has filled out the UnblockMe form instructing the admin to update the email status in Luminate.

  • Send a notification to the constituent that explains that additional re-opt in steps are needed with those instructions included (ideally that can recognize which products are applicable for a particular address)

  • Marie Wolff
  • Jul 23 2021
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Fred Hutch Cancer Research
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