Option to view the receipt status of a donor (sustaining and single gifts) in a report

Useful to see if donors (single and sustaining) are receiving receipts or not, and then why they may not be.

  • Guest
  • Mar 30 2017
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Surrey Women's Centre
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    10 Apr, 2017 05:16pm

    Hello, I'm looking to have an option available in 'Reports' that you can tick off a box to see giving status for  sustaining donors. By status I mean, if they are an 'active' sustaining donor or if they were a sustaining donor but are no longer ('not active'). My end goal was to pull a report that shows all my sustaining donors, and have a column that shows if they are active or not. Does that make more sense? Please let me know.


  • Ken Cantu commented
    10 Apr, 2017 03:01pm

    Hi, are you looking for open rates on autoresponders? If not what would you like to see included in this report? Also, what actions would you take if they weren't opening the receipts?

