Add a report showing which donation ecards are being selected

We need a report showing a count of which donation eCards are being used. It would be extremely helpful to know which ones are popular and which are never selected so we have some way of knowing what to offer. I know the eCard selection is tracked because if I look at the donation interaction, I can see what eCard a donor used. But, I shouldn't have to look it up one donor at a time to count which ones are selected most often.

  • Bonnie Schlobohm
  • Dec 16 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation
  • Attach files
  • Matt English commented
    28 Jun, 2022 06:45pm

    Hard to believe this still hasn't been added - the ability to see which e-cards are being selected in a report seems like an essential feature when it comes to deciding what e-cards to feature or remove.

  • Daniel Rojas commented
    16 May, 2017 04:06pm

    I'm hoping to see some traction on this. It's a field already being recorded and displayed and I can't believe it hasn't been added to Custom Reports.