New idea
Ability to waive a registration fee if the participant has raised a certain amount
Meghan Christiansen
May 31 2016
Reviewed: Voting Open
LO - Current Gen
New Feature
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HJC New Media
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Related ideas
Allow soft credit of registration fees
Enable event page creators to include registration fee shown as fundraising progress
When a participant changes their registratoin type and the fee is different. We should be able to charge the additional fee as a registration fee and not have to add it as a donation.
enhance how TeamRaiser credits registration fees.
Allow for increased registration fees by setting up schedules within TR
Installment payment plan for a TeamRaiser registration
Make it possible to have a TeamRaiser Participation Type with a $0 registration and the ability to enable Delayed Self-Pledge
Confusing Instructions for Participant Waiver.
Allow us to have Milestones that incorporate a time restriction
Allow Only "True Donations" to Trigger a Personal Donation Badge