Add ability to change fund of sustaining gifts after they have been created (by donor or admin).

Sometimes a donor selects the wrong designation, has used the wrong form, or the entry of a sustaining gift was done wrong.

We need the ability to go to a sustaining gift and change the fund attached to future payments on that sustaining gift - after the fact. Much the same way we can go and change future payment amounts.


The only way to fix this right now is to cancel the gift and recreate it, causing a big headache of having to go back to the donor,  etc etc etc.

  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Western Dominican Province
  • Attach files
  • Julie Hiland commented
    10 Dec, 2020 09:34pm

    The big issue for us is that we have just completed our capital campaign. So all of those recurring gifts to the capital campaign fund need to be "moved" to the new priority (with email approval by the donor). But to do that is a giant headache!

  • Guest commented
    20 Aug, 2020 05:20pm

    Piggybacking on my response to Matt Lindsay's "idea" number 645:

    With approximately 600 recurring monthly gifts that aren't quite set up right and no ability to edit them in LO, my only option at this point seems to be to go back to every one of those donors and ask them to resubmit their gift (while kindly correcting them that they made an incorrect designation)... in many cases, I would need to set up a specific giving form specifically for the donor, I guess, if they want to give a recurring gift to a smaller fund that we don't want on a primary donation form.

    We're definitely not going to bother our donors with that... and I'm sure Blackbaud would agree that "go ask the donor to fix it" isn't a good answer to the problem... but it's the answer I've continually gotten from support and everyone else I've spoken with at Blackbaud.

    The inability for us as gift processors to correct a gift in our system is a major weakness in our ability to provide good service to our donors.

  • Guest commented
    13 May, 2016 02:36pm

    I created the same idea with different language:
    Ability to edit / change designee on sustaining gifts

    Can the votes / ideas be merged?