Allow for Modification of Sustaining Gift Frequency

Currently it is not possible to change the frequency of donations on an active sustaining gift. You can modify gift amount, gift duration, gift date, skip next payment, enter new credit card or cancel sustaining gift, as needed, but not change the frequency of payments. The gift would need to be canceled and re-solicited to change the frequency.   

BBCRM has the ability to update/modify the recurring gift frequency (to annually/quarterly/etc.).   When a user calls our response/call center to update the frequency, that action cannot be performed in Luminate without recollecting the card information.  


This idea is to allow the ability to modify the recurring gift frequency on an existing recurring Luminate gift. 




  • Alex Kochiss
  • Jul 12 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Save the Children
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    • Guest commented
      February 08, 2019 20:26

      We here at the University of Chicago would like to echo this request.  We were able to do this in our older platform (Sphere) and not having this functionality in Luminate can potential cause some donor relations issues if folks decide to switch from monthly to annually and vice-versa.  Anytime we have to ask a donor to give us their credit card information again, we risk losing the gift entirely.


      Jennifer Schillaci

    • Wendy Varga commented
      August 21, 2018 15:40

      We lost a long-term recognized donor today because of this lack of functionality. Please consider prioritizing!!