Update Convio Client DNS checker to include outboundmail.blackbaud.net

The Convio Client DNS Checker located here:




currently checks for:




But doesn't accept:




as an SPF record. If you do an SPF record lookup for outboundmail.blackbaud.net, it includes the SPF for outboundmail.convio.net and blackbaudhosting.net. Since outboundmail.blackbaud.net includes the Convio SPF record, I'm requesting that the Convio Client DNS Checker check for EITHER the Convio or Blackbaud SPF record. That way, LO only customers can use the Convio SPF and customers that use LO and Blackbaud can use the Blackbaud SPF rather than forcing both the Convio and Blackbaud SPF records to be included. Although this doesn't cause a loop in the SPF record lookup, it's very "messy".

  • Alan Chan
  • Apr 13 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
  • Attach files