Custom Constituent Import should ignore email address of Removed Record

When uploading a list of constituents, and you are using the email address as the unique identifier (no Cons ID), and the email address to be uploaded happens to match a removed record in LO as well as also matching an active record in LO, the upload procedure should skip any removed record and continue searching for an active account with that email address. If no active account found, then create a new account. Currently, if LO matches email of a removed record, the record is placed in the errors file, even if an active account with the same email address exists.

  • Alan Bolds
  • Aug 1 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Database
Org/Company Name Alzheimer's Association
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Alan Bolds commented
      September 09, 2016 13:39

      A helpful postscript to this idea is that any merging of duplicate emails in LO will result in the status of one profile being changed to REMOVED.  Therefore, an upload that matches to a removed record should not be treated as an exception unless no active record is found with that same email address.