Add Donors to Group by Form

It would be really useful if donors on a given form could be automatically added to a group. Currently, the options are to add donors automatically at the donation campaign level or at the donation amount level. It would also be useful if we could select more than one group to which donors are added automatically.

  • Gaby Gollub
  • Dec 5 2017
  • Shipped
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name WWF
  • Attach files
  • John Miller commented
    8 Feb, 2021 06:24pm

    Gaby - sorry for the delay, but our team here believes things are working as expected - can you tell if things continue to work as you expect?

  • Gaby Gollub commented
    29 Jan, 2021 08:08pm

    I made a small adjustment, tried again, and was successful in being added to the designated group. If you could confirm that this is ready to use, I would be grateful.

  • Gaby Gollub commented
    29 Jan, 2021 08:02pm

    I just noticed that this seems to exist now (yay), however I just made a transaction on a form and was not added to the group I selected in this new field in step 1. Is this not yet fully functional?

  • Gaby Gollub commented
    1 Sep, 2020 04:12pm

    John, thank you for this update! I'm very glad to hear it. This change will save your customers time, improve donor data, and simplify the QC process.

  • John Miller commented
    1 Sep, 2020 03:38pm

    Hey Gaby -

    Sorry for no response here, but we are bringing this into Luminate Online - it is planned to be in our next release, you will be able to select a group for each donation form.


  • Gaby Gollub commented
    9 Jun, 2020 04:00pm

    I am still hoping this can happen one day. It does not already exist. And Luminate Beta is going away. This would be a welcome enhancement.

  • Gaby Gollub commented
    13 Jun, 2019 05:46pm

    Just following up on this request. Thanks for your response.

  • Gaby Gollub commented
    13 Mar, 2019 05:40pm

    Any progress on this? It would be super convenient to be able to do one or both of these. 

  • Gaby Gollub commented
    29 Jan, 2018 03:17pm

    Thanks for letting me know about that filtering option, Ken. Unfortunately, the results I got were not entirely accurate. Do you know if there will eventually be the option to automatically add donors on a given form to a group, as we can do at the campaign and the donation amount level? The steps in Beta are a bit cumbersome, and did not function properly.

  • Ken Cantu commented
    25 Jan, 2018 11:05pm

    Hi all, this now exists in Luminate Beta! You can filter by constituents who have given to a specific donation form as a filter and then push that to a Luminate Online Group to use in your email campaigns. Those groups will automatically rebuild if you choose that setting when you configure your email too. 

  • Guest commented
    22 Jan, 2018 05:31pm

    I AGREE! This would be a  VERY helpful feature!

  • Jonathan Cass commented
    5 Dec, 2017 07:46pm


  • Guest commented
    5 Dec, 2017 07:42pm

    I've been wanting this for years. Brilliant. 

  • Maura Quinn commented
    5 Dec, 2017 07:41pm

    This would be a very helpful feature to have!