Additional group suggestions for automatic creation by TeamRaisers

TeamRaisers already create groups for their Participation Types; however, near as I can tell, they don't create any groups which would otherwise be of interest, particularly when I want to email an audience that may span participation types.

Some suggested groups that TeamRaisers should automatically create and update are:  All Captains associated with a TeamRaiser; all Co-Captains associated with a TeamRaiser; all participants whose participation type includes fundraising; all participants whose participation type does NOT include fundraising.  With these four groups alone, it would be easy to segment further using the Query system.  There may be other such groups that would be useful, but none occur to me at the moment.

  • Mark Kindy
  • Nov 6 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
  • Attach files