More modifications needed in order to use the new DSP functionality

I was the person that made the request to make changes to DSP functionality. We had to wait a year to turn it on as it went live 2 weeks after we opened our Rides. This year, we worked with Services to turn this feature on and at the 11th hour, had to roll it back and abandon the feature. Please see the reasons why we could not use the feature and consider making further updates so that this will be usable. We'd really like to enable the DSP and use the new tools for billing.

1.    We absolutely need a way to “override” the DSP Charge in certain use cases. For instance, when a participant already has raised the minimum amount (usually offline) prior to registering, we should not be asking them to have to pay any sort of registration fee or give us their credit card should they have outstanding funds not met – as we know they have already met their required amount. Ideally this could be done by the participant, but if not, we could do it on the (admin side).

We need a way for those participants that we make exceptions for to still be able to still register w/o having to put a card in.
Select corporate teams do not need to pay a registration fee OR use their credit card at the time of registration as their company handles all outstanding funds.
Coaches who are not required to fundraise   

If there is no way to do it on the front end (we currently have the partiicpant “stop” when they get to the CC page and we knew the registration actually still went through even though they skipped the step to provide their credit card. The two steps were only married in the UI, but not on the backend. So this gives us a workaround to DSP.

2.    The new DSP feature does not allow you to switch participants between participation types. This happens ALL the time in our Ride and Challenge programs.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3. Want to be able to enable and disable on an event by event basis. Use for some events but not others.

  • Holly Michaelson
  • Feb 18 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name JDRF
  • Attach files
  • Brian Mucha commented
    February 20, 2017 17:26

    #2 is a big issue for us. We need to change goals mid-way, since a few of our events insist on using lower goals as an incentive for team recruitment. Support says this is impossible in principle, even though it was perfectly possible with the old DSP.


    We addressed #1 by creating a specific 'sponsor' participant type that has no reg fee and no minimum goal. Use a promo code to to hide that participant type to everyone else. Then you can provide your exceptions with a URL shortcut that passes in your promocode and reveals the sponsor participant type.


    It seems pretty clear to me that the new DSP code functionality is not ready for prime time. For example, tt is possible for admins to change a participant's goal, however that wipes out the participant type for that registered user, making it impossible to open the registration on the back end, or do refunds and so on. Support actually calls this 'expected functionality, not a bug' and we should just tell admins not to do that. What the heck?