Provide a "do not sync" option for offline TeamRaiser gifts added in LO

We receive many offline gifts for TeamRaiser campaigns that go through a deposit and data entry process in RE that is separate from LO. Many times we don't even know a check is for a TR campaign until it's already been deposited and entered/imported to RE. When we add that as an offline gift in LO, it would be so much easier to be able to indicate  "Do not sync to RE" at that point. Right now the gift will automatically come over to RE and we have to either try to identify it in the plugin and reject it (very time consuming and inefficient), or allow duplicate gifts to be created in RE and then go back and delete them later. This wastes so much time and is prone to errors as inevitably some are missed.

  • Rebecca Gelinas
  • Jul 19 2016
  • Attach files
  • Michelle DeAngelis commented
    12 Aug, 2020 02:53pm

    Yes! This needs to happen. It's an issue for our organization as well.

  • Julie Hiland commented
    10 Mar, 2020 03:18pm

    THIS IS A HUGE ISSUE FOR US. We have to deposit these checks and enter them into RE for reconciliation with Finance. Then when they get entered as an offline gift in LO, they push into RE again. Very inefficient awful user experience.