Improve Segmenting for Team Captains and Team Members in Coaching Emails

Currently, when sending a coaching email in Teamraiser, "team captains" are considered part of "team members" in the available team filters for sending. However, there isn't a way to segment the team captains out of the team members so that you can send separate email communications for each.

For instance, you can send an email to just team captains as a filter. But if you select the team members filter, it also includes the team captains in that message. There isn't a way to opt-out the team captains as the current logic includes captains as team members in all communications.

The opt-out groups are only available at the over-arching participation type level or the groups created for the Teamraiser, and don't drill down to include segmentation for team captain, team members or individual participants not part of a team.

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  • Jul 21 2016
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Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Cathexis Partners
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