Allow site-admins to unsubscribe recipients only from TeamRaiser event coaching emails

Site-admins and event managers should be able to unsubscribe coaching email recipients from TeamRaiser coaching emails from their Constituent Profile email preferences page, or from the TeamRaiser participant record.

At this time only an email recipient can unsubscribe from a TeamRaiser event coaching emails by clicking to view their Change Email Preferences page from the "Unsubscribe" link in an email.

If someone has accidentally unsubscribed and needs to call-in ir email to re-subscribe, their only option is to find a TeamRaiser coaching email (if they haven't deleted it already) and click on the link once more to update their preferences for the TeamRaiser event coaching emails.

If someone no longer wishes to receive the TeamRaiser event coaching emails and requires admin assistance, a site-admin's only option is to unsubscribe them from all site-wide emails...or set up a system of Interest categories and additional suppression groups to exclude from coaching emails.

Site-admins and event managers should be able to unsubscribe coaching email recipients from TeamRaiser coaching emails from their Constituent Profile email preferences page, or from the TeamRaiser participant record.

  • Guest
  • Feb 6 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Blackbaud, Inc.
  • Attach files
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    • Sarah Cockerill commented
      July 25, 2018 21:22

      With GDPR and the upcoming changes in many other countries / states with opt-ins, I'm also concerned that right Coaching emails are an all or nothing opt-in process. Our legal team has advised us that given the nature of event we are hosting the Coaching emails can be a required part of what the fundraisers (and in this part runners of a marathon) get in terms of signing up. These are emails runners need to fundraiser, to train to run, to find out where specific events are (e.g., pasta dinner). It is extremely detrimental if they are opted out of any of these emails. We want to automatically opt runners into the the Coaching emails, but allow them to opt-in to all other emails putting the power in the users control.