On the back-end of TeamRaiser registration and donation form, make the email field an optional field

We get a lot of mail in registrations individual and family.  Most don't include an email.  When you are entering this information in, an email is required to save the record.  So we end up creating fake email addresses so we can process the information.  Why can't this be optional.  Especially when you are registering family members like children who do even have an email address and you can't use their parents because you can't duplicate email addresses in TeamRaiser.

  • Patti Posey
  • Sep 25 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Stamford Hospital Foundation
  • Attach files
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    • Meghan Woodham commented
      September 12, 2017 22:00

      We have children who participate in our event that are required to register but moms and dads aren't going to give out their 10 year old's email address - trust me I've asked.  Also, we have wives who register their husbands (who may or may not know they are being registered) but wife doesn't know his email address. Hard to believe but they don't email their spouses!  At least if it was optional on the backend of the site we wouldn't have to make up email addresses and could provide an alternative to those registering multiple people.  Although let's be honest this is going to create more work for us and Blackbaud should be helping make our lives easier not harder.

    • Guest commented
      February 28, 2017 20:26

      Hi. Yes I agree this would be helpful. This would be helpful for families, where they may only have one primary family email. Many younger kids that get registered for events do not have emails. Sometimes a group of people (family or co-workers) will sign up at an event and put one person's email as the email address contact for all the participants.

       Also when working with constituents in constituent360, you HAVE to have an email or you cannot save edits made to a constituent's record. It would be nice to add alternate email addresses for a constituent and allow constituents records to be created without an email.

       Can Luminate Online please maybe improve these things and make it easier to use for these types of situations?

      Thank you for listening to feedback!

      Thank you!

    • Jordyn Landberg commented
      September 29, 2015 16:07

      We receive thousands of mailed in donations/registrations for our largest annual fundraiser. Our admin staff is required to enter an email address with each new constituent, and since we 9 times out of 10 don't have that information, are using a staff member's email address. Not only does it create dirty data in our database and more work in processing gifts through the connector, it also in an extra, unneeded step and extra time for our overwhelmed data entry folks.