Send notifications within calendar

It would be great to allow notifications whenever someone signs up for an event (through calendar) - specifically when they RSVP or buy a ticket. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 1 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name Beth Israel Medical Center / Charity Dynamics
  • Attach files
  • Cynthia Isaac commented
    24 Sep, 2021 09:34pm

    Yes, agreed! This is a constant issue at our organization. We have this feature in TeamRaiser as well as on donation forms (Large Gift Notification), but unfortunately not on Calendar Events. It really is disruptive for us to have to have to run reports. Also, the notifications in TeamRaiser and on donation forms can go to any email address we choose. So non-admins do not have to rely/wait on admins to run reports.

  • Guest commented
    22 Mar, 2019 05:46pm

    Was in Sphere - we were forced to go to LO due to Sphere shutdown, many constituents complaining about this missing.

  • Guest commented
    7 Sep, 2016 09:48pm

    This is would be extremely helpful especially for those of us who don't use Team Raiser. Our organizers need to know when someone signs up or RSVPs without having to constantly log in and run reports. 

  • Tommy Kubitsky commented
    24 Jun, 2015 04:53pm

    Yes please! We have this feature in the TeamRaisers but not in events and our event organizers could really really use these notifications.