Enable Notifications for Calendar Event Registration

On NetCommunity, you could set-up email notifications for admin so that when constituents registered for events, the selected admin received an email. Our Special Events manager rely on this feature to keep a real time list of attendees without hassling our donor services team to complete a query every day. We are requesting you add registration notifications for the calendar events on Luminate. 

  • Guest
  • Jul 20 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Content
Org/Company Name Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
  • Attach files
  • Anna Berry commented
    23 Aug, 2023 02:31pm

    And please add notification for all event types- not just those with ticketed purchases- including RSVPs!

  • Julie Hiland commented
    7 Oct, 2021 02:51pm

    There is another duplicate idea: LUM-I-1557. Please merge.

  • Julie Hiland commented
    7 Oct, 2021 02:49pm

    There is a duplicate idea: LUM-I-640. Please merge.

  • Julie Hiland commented
    7 Oct, 2021 02:32pm

    THIS IS NECESSARY. We have event staff who need to know when registrations come through, the minute they come through. (We do not have the RELO Connector, anymore. We moved to Omatic. So the ability to "see" unprocessed gifts was something that was lost in that connector transition.) PLEASE CREATE this email notification feature!

  • Cynthia Isaac commented
    24 Sep, 2021 09:34pm

    Yes, agreed! This is a constant issue at our organization. We have this feature in TeamRaiser as well as on donation forms (Large Gift Notification), but unfortunately not on Calendar Events. It really is disruptive for us to have to have to run reports. Also, the notifications in TeamRaiser and on donation forms can go to any email address we choose. So non-admins do not have to rely/wait on admins to run reports.

  • Cody Hoellerman commented
    27 Mar, 2019 04:53pm

    Yes! This is something we loved having in Sphere and would be very beneficial for our organization. It's great to keep tabs on how well registrations are going for an event without needing to pull a report.

  • Suesan Daily commented
    26 Sep, 2018 09:59pm

    This would be a great addition.  When we used Sphere, we were able to get registrant notifications for all of our events.  Now we have to pull reports to get this information and this is not the most convenient for us.  I really hope you add this to Luminate Online.

  • Jill Reeder commented
    16 Aug, 2018 03:35pm

    This is an absolute necessity and a HUGE loss from NetCommunity

  • Guest commented
    29 Aug, 2017 02:36pm

    Our events team would LOVE to have this feature added to LO. In Sphere we were able to have them included on the confirmation email that the donor received so they were aware of new registrations and could also see additional information, including guest names. We can't replicate that in LO for them. Instead we had to create a report (outside of LO) that is generated 3 times a day and sent to them.