Allow donors to re-opt in to accept email from donation forms

On our donation forms, we have a checkbox allowing donors to opt in to receive our emails. This works for new donors, however if a return donor who previously opted out of our emails wishes to re-opt in, they are unable to do so; their selection is ignored.

KB104074 addresses this issue and suggests that donors "log in" before donating, to then click a link on the thank you page, to get to the Email Preferences page where they can finally re-opt in. Why is it so complicated? What donation form requires you to log in before you can donate? I don't understand the logic of this workaround.

Ideally, I'd like to have the option to allow donors to re-opt in to accept email from donation forms.

If that isn't possible, then please give me the option to log them in automatically once their donation is made so that they can get to the Email Preferences page easily. New donors are logged in automatically (as per KB187888); please do the same for repeat donors.

  • Steven Lopresti
  • Nov 24 2020
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Cancer Research Society
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    • Steven Lopresti commented
      December 12, 2022 16:44

      This continues to be a pain point for our organization and we are beginning to consider moving to another eMarketing platform because Luminate Online cannot meet our needs in this area.

      New donors can easily opt in to our emails when they make a donation; all they need to do is mark a checkbox. Similarly, new or repeat donors can easily opt out of emails when they make a donation; all they need to do is not mark that same checkbox. The same opt out result is achieved when someone unsubscribes from all our emails.

      The problem is, while it's easy for someone to opt out of emails, it is not possible for them to opt back in via a donation. Even when they mark the checkbox on the donation form, their request to begin receiving our emails again is ignored. This makes it nearly impossible for donors to opt back in to our emails.

      KB104074 calls this behaviour a safeguard to prevent someone who enters the constituent's name and email from opting them back in without the constituent's permission. While a safeguard of this type can be a valuable security measure on a regular form, like a survey form, it has no place on a transaction form that is protected by a paywall. How many instances have there really been of the above scenario—someone entering an existing constituent's name and email while opting them back into emails—taking place on a donation or other transaction form? The least you can do is remove this safeguard for transaction forms.

      The proposed solution in KB104074 is ridiculous: they need to log in prior to making the donation or update their profile, which also requires them to log in. How many people reading this comment have ever created a user account for the purpose of donating or opting back into emails from a non-profit? The suggestion does not make sense.

      In summary: Please allow our donors to opt back into emails when using a donation form. The safeguard you put in place to prevent this from happening is unnecessary because the form is protected by a paywall.

      Thank you.

    • Bryan Vance commented
      June 22, 2021 15:19

      Agree 1000%. This is overly complicated and a poor user experience.