Change confirmation code to indicate if transaction was refunded or deleted

Currently, the confirmation codes for refunded/deleted transactions in Luminate all have a third segment of -30-.  It would be helpful if a deleted transaction (one that is removed from Luminate but not refunded back to the credit card) had a different value in the third segment of the confirmation code so that they would easily stand out when researching adjustments or viewing debit/credit reports.

I am aware of the following third segment values in the user confirmation code currently:
-1- : donation
-3- : recurring donation
-4- : calendar event transaction
-20- : transaction associated with a registration
-30- : transaction that has been refunded/deleted

If it were possible to add a new third segment code, I would suggest -35- (if it is not already in use) so that the 3 would indicate a removed transaction and 5 would indicate that it is either a refunded or deleted transaction (while 0 would refer to the other removal type).

  • Guest
  • Jul 30 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name National Multiple Sclerosis Society
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