Allow editing of incoming records to RE in the LO Plugin module

When importing records, there are occasions when there are fields you would like to overwrite and sometimes when you want to retain new data, but not overwrite existing data in RE (I.e. two email addresses or secondary physical address)

  • Monica Hoo
  • Feb 14 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Carla Tamayo commented
    10 Mar, 2017 06:46pm

    Hi Brent,

    Thanks for all the information, it was very helpful. We tested the LO plugin in Release 7.96 and it works just as you described. We are going to present this solution to the processing team next week, although we are probably at least two months away before upgrading our production environment out of 7.93. We still have phone and email clean-up to finish in RE and programming changes to the data warehouse before we can upgrade to the new structure.

    We also hope that in the future, there will be an enhancement in the LO plug-in which will allow us to save the new email address and phone numbers, and specify the type right in the plug-in, which would save a few steps each time.

    Thanks again,


  • Deleted User commented
    28 Feb, 2017 08:27pm

    Thanks for the follow up here! Please let me know how things go when you test this in your test environment. I assume you'll be upgrading to 7.95 soon? If so, we released some additional capabilities that you'll need to evaluate around Business Rules for Contact Information.

    Thanks again!


  • Monica Hoo commented
    27 Feb, 2017 03:00pm

    Thank you Carla for digging deeper. Looping in our RE Admin.

    All the best,
    Monica Hoo, M.P.A. ‘12, M.A.L.S. ‘16
    Director, Online Communications - Advancement System Services
    University of Miami
    305-284-4306 Office
    305-240-0906 Cell
    305-284-6869 Fax


  • Carla Tamayo commented
    27 Feb, 2017 02:58pm

    Good morning,

    I reviewed the feature release docs and if I understand this correctly, it does appear that we will have the option to save new email addresses as a separate email address on the constituent record in the plug-in, rather than over-write the existing email addresses. I believe this is the first time we’ve been presented with this solution.

    Since we are still on RE 7.93, it is hard for me to understand the steps exactly, as this solution is directed at RE v. 7.94. But perhaps we’ll be able to test this soon in our test environment.


  • Monica Hoo commented
    24 Feb, 2017 10:17pm

    With the help of BB LO Support we did review and test the 2 options you presented. Neither worked for us.

    All the best,
    Monica Hoo, M.P.A. ‘12, M.A.L.S. ‘16
    Director, Online Communications - Advancement System Services
    University of Miami
    305-284-4306 Office
    305-240-0906 Cell
    305-284-6869 Fax


  • Monica Hoo commented
    24 Feb, 2017 10:07pm

    Hello Bret,
    Unfortunately, both the proposed solutions below require us to reject email and phone number or overwrite the existing RE data when processed. The alternative is to copy the new information into Notepad, then enter it on the “Open” record. We do not want any data leaving the BB product screens. This would also have to be done to every continent coming in through RELO plugin and it leaves to much room for human error.

    Looping in the rest of my team to chime in as well, in case I missed anything.

    All the best,
    Monica Hoo, M.P.A. ‘12, M.A.L.S. ‘16
    Director, Online Communications - Advancement System Services
    University of Miami
    305-284-4306 Office
    305-240-0906 Cell
    305-284-6869 Fax


  • Deleted User commented
    24 Feb, 2017 09:52pm

    Thanks for all the votes for this idea! I think there are two existing capabilities in the Luminate Online Integration tool that will support what is being asked here. The feature that most closely aligns with processing email and physical addresses can be found in our feature release docs here. If that doesn't solve the problem, there's another option that will allow you to "process and open" the record. Once the record is open, you can make any necessary changes to it.

    I hope you find these suggestions helpful. Feel free to reach out if this suggestion misses the mark.



  • Guest commented
    23 Feb, 2017 08:57pm

    Yes, UM needs this.

  • Guest commented
    23 Feb, 2017 03:58pm

    UM la necesita 

  • Guest commented
    23 Feb, 2017 02:28pm

    UM needs.

  • Guest commented
    23 Feb, 2017 01:17pm

    Yes, UM needs this

  • Guest commented
    22 Feb, 2017 07:12pm

    UM needs it! 

  • Marlen Tejera commented
    22 Feb, 2017 05:55pm

    University of Miami needs this.

  • Guest commented
    22 Feb, 2017 03:47pm

    Yes, UM needs this!

  • Guest commented
    22 Feb, 2017 03:40pm

    Yes, UM needs this.

  • Guest commented
    22 Feb, 2017 03:25pm

    yes UM needs this

  • Haydee Polo commented
    17 Feb, 2017 07:56pm

    UM needs this.