Match on accents or special characters

We often have users who register or make donations on different computers so the keyboards aren't always configured for accents. So we might have Celine Dion in our system but the next time she donates, she types in Céline Dion. This creates a duplicate. Ideally, we would want the matching to be accent insensitive.

  • Matt Tinker
  • Jul 26 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Database
Org/Company Name MS Society of Canada
  • Attach files
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    • Steven Lopresti commented
      January 23, 2020 13:32

      Any news here? This feature is sorely needed.

    • Ken Cantu commented
      August 01, 2016 15:14

      Thanks Matt. I've passed this on to our Product Manager working on our new constituent service. Also, I'm working on a global search and this use case is very helpful for us to make sure we return better search results as well within the product. I've added it for our team to look into.

      Thanks for your input!
