have the ability to enter organization/businesses/sponsors as an organization.

The RELO integration doesn't accommodate this type of function. It would be helpful to sync businesses and organization as a business instead of as individuals. More than likely the businesses already exist in RE database therefore preventing duplicates. Entering organizations as an individuals and not having the gifts information associated with the profile doesn't provide an informative giving history for the organization.

In addition, with companies, there needs to be a better way to enter match gifts similar to how it is entered in RE. 


Please review.

  • Guest
  • Jun 9 2015
  • Planned
Area of the Product Database
Org/Company Name Hope Hospice
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    • Amber Nelson commented
      March 02, 2017 22:17

      A not insubstantial part of our fundraising comes through Matching Gifts and Corporate Giving, and the registration is countable towards Matching. There's currently no way to reflect that, or to link those gifts to organizational records. And it's silly to pay more for the HEPData thing when it only does a portion of the service needed. It seems crazy that there wouldn't already been access to our Raiser's Edge Org Consituents so that we could reflect Matching and Corporate gifts on fundraising goals. Right now I'm having to enter gifts to a dummy account, and then do not insubstantial data clean up after the fact.

    • Guest commented
      August 03, 2016 18:39

      Any chance on an update for this function. 

    • Guest commented
      August 20, 2015 17:52

      Glad to hear that this is a planned idea. Any update? 

    • Deleted User commented
      June 16, 2015 03:27

      Currently the Luminate Online system does not have the ability to track Organizations as a first class field.  However our teams are working on this right now and we should be able to release the organizational functionality in the second half of this year.  At that point we will be tweaking our integration so that Organizations will correspond to Orgs in RE7.