Allow for customized matching of new donors to existing records

We want to create an offline form to use for people calling the office and sending credit card numbers. Sometimes they don't want or provide an email so we are making the email field not required. If a person exists in the system with the same name, Luminate is putting the donation on the existing record and not creating a new record. So donations could potentially go on stranger's records since the match is going by name and email and if the email is blank then it is reverting to the existing record. I would like to be able to put in a scenario that if the email is blank to check the address and if the address is different to create a new record.  I feel that since you allow for email to be optional, there should be a way to address this. 

  • Guest
  • Dec 6 2019
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name JSSA
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