Expand the functionality of Gifts-in-Kind

there needs to be a gift entry option/function where individuals can donate Gifts-in-Kind (non-monetary gifts). Right now it is just companies. Entering an individual as a company can make generating reports challenging.

  • Guest
  • Apr 21 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Hope Hospice
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    6 Jul, 2016 04:15pm

    Got it, thank you!


  • Guest commented
    19 May, 2016 06:23pm

    Hi Ken,

    In-kind donors and their donation are not entered in Team Raiser events or local company. Instead the gifts are entered in Raisers Edge. Which is challenging because the reporting is different from Raisers Edge and Team Raiser.



  • Ken Cantu commented
    17 May, 2016 01:10am

    Hi, are you currently collecting this information in Luminate Online or your CRM? Could you use a form (survey) to achieve the same result? Would you consider the person a "donor" if they didn't give a monetary gift?

    Thanks for the additional information!
