Allow Donation forms to require fewer fields (no address required)

We are using some mobile-optimized donation forms on another platform that only require the following fields:

First Name, Last Name

Mobile Phone Number, Email

Card Number, Expiration Date, CVV

We really need to be able to have forms that don’t require:

Street, City, State, and Zip code. As we all know the more information that is required on forms (especially when viewed on mobile devices), the less likely a donor is to finish their gift.

  • Devin Gladstone
  • Mar 25 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Food For the Poor
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    6 Jul, 2016 04:18pm

     I understand, thanks!


  • Devin Gladstone commented
    28 Mar, 2016 01:30pm

    Hi Ken,

    We are mainly interested in using this on mobile this is where we believe the less fields would lead to a dramatic increase in conversions. -- Devin

  • Ken Cantu commented
    25 Mar, 2016 09:46pm

    Hi Devin,

    My understanding is that this is possible in current LO  however it is a business decision the organization makes on how strict or lenient they want to be on requiring fields on their transaction forms. The more lenient they are the more they have the potential to get slapped with fees from fraudulent charges from their processor however that may be less than they get from the decrease in abandonment rate because of the fewer fields. This is, however, a global site option and not set form by form.

     Is the ability to have certain forms be less strict then others what you are asking for? Or will this global option meet your needs?

    Here is the  SDP to look into for changing this globally on their site. Support can change this for you:

    The AVS services will send back one of four responses. Three of these responses can be interpreted as success. These are

    1. Exact match - The street address and ZIP code the user provided with the card number exactly match what the issuing bank has on record
    2. Street address match - The street address the user provided with the card number matches what the issuing bank has on record. The ZIP code did not match
    3. ZIP code match - The ZIP code the user provided with the card number matches what the issuing bank has on record. The street address did not match.
    4. No match - None of the billing information the user provided with the card number matches what the issuing bank has on record.

    PAYMENT_AVS_MATCH_LEVEL Controls how each of response 1, 2, 3 above will be interpreted. Valid values are

    1. FULL - Only exact matches will be marked as successful
    2. PARTIAL_STREET - Street address matches will be marked as successful
    3. PARTIAL_ZIP - ZIP code matches will be marked as successful
    4. PARTIAL - Both street address and ZIP code partial matches will be marked as successful

