There should be a way to easily pull survey questions added to donation forms in transaction reports. Currently, I have to go into each Constiuetn record who has donated to see if they want the gift to go towards a matching program since this does not show up on the transaction report in reports classic. This is a TERRIBLE waste of time and makes the donation form useless in some ways.

  • Guest
  • Jun 9 2015
  • Already exists
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name The MacDowell Colony
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    11 Jun, 2015 09:54pm

    Sure thing. I'm going to close out this idea but feel free to comment if I need to reopen for some reason.

  • Guest commented
    5 Jun, 2015 04:03pm

    Ken - this is great... yes - this answers my question.. I had been using the transaction report to reconcile with RE syncing, but the Donation by Transaction covers everything, so thank you!

  • Ken Cantu commented
    4 Jun, 2015 09:39pm

    This information won't appear on a Constituent profile but any additional questions you add to a donation form will appear in the Donations By Transactions report as columns along with the user's responses to those fields. The Donations By Transactions report is different from Reports Classic Transactions report but this information won't be available in Report Writer.

    Attached is an example of the output. Column "DA" is the custom question field I added to the donation form.

    Would this work for you?


  • Sarah Koops commented
    28 May, 2015 03:37pm

    How do the survey questions appear on the constituent profile? If they populate through additional fields, you can create a transaction report in report writer to pull this information. I stay away from the reports classic and do everything through report writer. 

    I created a little program for my team to push through items onto the constituent profile based on their group membership so that we can then have that information spit out in the report writer transaction export. It takes some time to set up, but once it's going it's a big time saver. 

  • Ken Cantu commented
    26 May, 2015 04:27pm

    Hi,  if you go to Fundraising > Donation Management > Donation Reports Tab > and run the Donations By Transaction report you will get any additional questions/fields you put into a donation form along with what the constituents answered for that field.

    Give that a try and let me know if it is what you are looking for.

