Have a donation transaction history screen available to Constituents

We've had constituents ask us about this for about 6 years now - two asked me today. I thought for sure it was coming, but not seeing it directly mentioned here surprisingly.


Donors want a way to be able to log in and see their prior donation history. I know the service center is there for monthly donors, but this would be for any donors to see their past donation history. Seems everyone I talk to says all of the even small charities they deal with have this online option, and they find it odd we do not.

  • Guest
  • Oct 17 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Operation Blessing
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    • Eric Melanson commented
      September 10, 2019 20:56

      Discovered today about the limitations for donors when they log in. Considering Blackbaud has done this with BBNC, would like to think this is something in the pipeline for LO.