Allow seed list functionality

Much like in Direct Mail, allow a seed list to be added to the mail-to group within email deployment settings - and allow constituents within the seed list to get ALL variants of ALL messages. Suppressions should NOT be applied to members of a seed list.

  • Guest
  • Jun 13 2019
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name World Wildlife Fund
  • Attach files
  • Catherine Dunphy commented
    July 25, 2019 19:02

    Has anyone been able to exclude seedlist email metrics from over all email engagement metrics?

  • Sarah Robie commented
    June 17, 2019 13:52

    I would use this feature for the seed lists that help us monitor inbox placement. Currently, I have to make sure our seed lists aren't in any suppression groups by factoring them into each query. It's difficult and time-consuming to keep track of.