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Add an option to add email recipients to a group on delivery

It would be great if there was an option to add email recipients to a specified group on delivery. It would be particularly useful for recurring emails, that way new recipients keep getting added to the same group.

  • Steven Lopresti
  • Mar 25 2019
  • Already exists
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Cancer Research Society
  • Attach files
  • Steven Lopresti commented
    3 Sep, 2019 08:35pm

    Hi John,


    Thanks for your response.


    If I have this setting enabled, will I be able to choose which emails to use it with? I wouldn't want a group to be created for every single email we send out.


    Also, for recurring emails, would it create a new group for each email sent, or keep adding recipients to the same one, making it a cumulative recipient group?


    Those would be the features I'm actually looking for.




  • John Miller commented
    3 Sep, 2019 06:15pm

    Hi Steven -

    There is a way to do this today within Luminate Online. There is a site setting that can be changed by support called "EMAIL_CREATE_SENT_GROUP". If you create a case and reference this setting, it can be enabled. The description of this setting is:

    Set to TRUE if you want a group to be created containing users to whom an email is sent. The name of the group will be same as the name of the message and it would be created under 'Email Sent Groups' group type.

    I've also submitted a request to have this documented in our knowledgebase.

    -John Miller

    Luminate Online Product Manager

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