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Email Report - Admin Bounce Report

Could the Admin Bounce Report include the Cons ID? I would prefer Cons ID so that we can update constituent profiles by matching on Cons ID instead of matching on email addresses - which can be shared among constituents. With the Cons ID we can create suppression groups based on the reason for hard- or soft-bounce.

  • Alan Bolds
  • Apr 17 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Alzheimer's Association
  • Attach files
  • Phil Nawrocki commented
    06 Sep 16:19

    This is desperately needed to run imports. An import cannot happen without CONS_ID and MEMBER_ID and EXCHANGE_ID and PRIMARY_EMAIL fields cannot all be blank. Record rejected.

    The return email in this report can be postmaster@outlook.com, this will not match any record in LO. This seems like something that is an easy fix that will be a big benefit.

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