Link constituent name on email unsubscribe details reports to their Con360 record

I'll often run an unsubscribe details report on an email message to get a feel for the types of users that are opting out of our emails. For example, is there a high concentration of long-term donors opting out  (a serious concern) or one-time volunteers from 2 years ago (less concerning)? Currently, the unsubscribe details report does not link the constituent name directly to their Con360 record where I check their transaction & interaction history. Rather, you have to open a new browser tab (or navigate away from the report in the same tab), open Con360, and manually search for each individual's record. This is very cumbersome and time-consuming. Would be great if the constituent name in the report linked to their record, just as it does when you view recent transactions under the "Transactions" tab. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 7 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Atlanta Community Food Bank
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