Allow users to distinguish between different advocacy target types to comply with different federal/state sender rules

According to support articles, including our organization's name in the sender field is legally required for federal targets, but not for state/municipal targets. Yet there is currently only one template for advocacy alerts and it offers no option to alternate between  targets where our org name is required and targets where our org name is not. We would like this option since most of our alerts are going to state/municipal officials. Emails to local city council members, for example, appear as "From Best Friends Animal Society on behalf of [constituent]" instead of just from the constituent. If this is in fact not legally required for state/municipal efforts, our campaigns would be more effective without it. Please either provide an option to switch between settings, or make the organization name field optional for organizations like ours that are rarely sending White House/federal alerts.

  • Guest
  • Mar 18 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Advocacy
Org/Company Name Best Friends Animal Society
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