Provide Integration between CLO and LCRM in regards to Premiums fields.

Premiums are part of basic fundraising functionality for nonprofits. According to Blackbaud Support, in the update from the old-school data syncs of CGE (Common Ground Enterprise which was the predecessor of LCRM) this functionality was replaced by the service bus integration, but the premiums data no longer are expected to sync to LCRM.

Because this functionality was not carried over to the "Service Bus" sync, we are having to manually combine premium information between the 2 systems and this is very time-consuming/frustrating for our Development department to track, report, and do analytics processing. If the functionality was vital before in another product, it certainly should be vital to any products created to replace the previous product.


  • Guest
  • Feb 24 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Food & Water Watch
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