Allow users to opt-out of auto-responders

We received the email below from one of our users, requesting the option of being able to unsubscribe from receiving auto-responders on action alerts. I think it's a good idea, and could work much the same way people can opt out of receiving tell-a-friend messages. WHEN IS�AUDUBON GOING TO JOIN THE GROWING LIST OF�RESPECTFUL AND TECHNOLOGICALLY-UPDATED ORGANIZATIONS WITH LANDING PAGES FOR THANK-YOU'S AND FOLLOW-ON ACTIONS, INSTEAD OF BOMBARDING BUSY ACTIVISTS WITH�UNWANTED EMAILS FOR THIS PURPOSE?! � PLEASE FOLLOW THE LEAD OF CARE2.COM AND ACTIONNETWORK.ORG AND HAVE AN OPT OUT FOR SUCH EMAILS! � Please remove me from the thank-you emails after taking actions! They are unneeded, unwanted, and create clutter. Instead, like many respectful and marketing-savvy organizations, if you have follow-up actions, have those come up on a landing page right after people click on the submit/take action button. This saves activists who take lots of actions from ridiculous thank-you email bombardment and the time it takes to delete them all! Please put yourself in the shoes of an activist who takes LOTS of actions, and please stop these thank-you emails! Thanks.
  • Deleted User
  • Mar 31 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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