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Leave acknowledgee emails blank for tribute eCard recipients instead of using the donor's email.

For privacy reasons, when a donor makes a tribute gift through Luminate and chooses to send an eCard to notify someone, that recipient's email address is not visible to us. I understand why that is the case. However, Blackbaud's solution was to have the donor's email address map to the tribute acknowledgee's email field in RE instead. The acknowledgee then has an email associated with their record that is not actually their email address. This is extremely confusing, especially when the acknowledgee is an existing constituent who now suddenly has an additional, incorrect email address on their record.

As an alternative, the acknowledgee email address should just not be mapped in RELO so the field remains blank. Or at the very least, there should be an option to disable the feature that maps the donor's email to the acknowledgee's email field.

For reference, here is the Knowledgebase article explaining this change:

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  • Nov 14 2023
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