Remove the gradient from Page Wrappers

The gradient ruins the look of a custom page wrapper, no matter how much we keep the image centered. We would like to have the option to turn it off!

  • Jennifer Ierullo
  • Sep 22 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Content
Org/Company Name Canadian Hadassah-WIZO
  • Attach files
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    • Ken Cantu commented
      May 03, 2017 01:11

      Hi Jennifer, it might be something that was added to a stylesheet that is pulled in by default. I would recommend opening a Support case because I've not heard of this issue on other sites. Will keep this idea open in case I am wrong so others can chime in.



    • Jennifer Ierullo commented
      November 29, 2016 18:22

      Hi Ken,


      It appears to be default when you create a new wrapper.





    • Ken Cantu commented
      September 27, 2016 17:07

      Hi Jennifer, can you tell me when/where you see this? Is it just by default when you create a new wrapper?

