allow donation forms to be searched by ID

We have over 400 donation forms live at any given time, it would be helpful if we would be able to search donation forms by their ID's.

  • Devin Gladstone
  • Oct 30 2015
  • Shipped
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name Food For The Poor
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    • John Miller commented
      March 02, 2020 19:51

      All -

      This feature is now live as of the 20.1 release in January - you can search by ID in TeamRaiser, Donation Forms and Groups.

      -John Miller

      Product Manager, Luminate Online

    • Guest commented
      July 12, 2019 15:52

      Not sure if this is still active - but I came here to post this same idea! I've wanted this for years.

    • Guest commented
      June 13, 2018 18:54

      YES! We have 405 donation forms spanning seven years. Because the form name isn't visible in the URL but the form ID is, being able to search OR sort by that would be incredibly useful.

    • Kim Ethridge commented
      November 02, 2017 17:38

      Everything in LO has an ID. It's really frustrating--and flatly ridiculous--that you can't search by ID. This is kind of a no-brainer for all LO tools.

    • Grace Rose Khalsa commented
      December 22, 2015 17:32

      But also, what a great tip from Brian (that I didn't read until after my prior comment!)

    • Grace Rose Khalsa commented
      December 22, 2015 17:30

      YES!! This is a constant annoyance to us as well. 

    • Liz Pomper commented
      December 02, 2015 21:11

      Voted, and also seconding Brian Mucha's workaround, which works across all modules. There's also a Chrome extension, "Luminate Online Page Editor," that will take you to the admin/edit page of any public-facing LO page--assuming you have permission to edit it of course!

    • Sara Hoffman commented
      December 01, 2015 15:59

      Search via ID should be universal across all modules and not just limited to Advocacy, as it is currently.

    • Brian Mucha commented
      November 30, 2015 16:16

      Agreed. In the meantime open any form in admin, then replace the df_id of that form in the URL with the ID you are looking for and hit enter. Same goes for Teamraisers using the fr_id.

    • Guest commented
      November 25, 2015 15:35

      Can this also be added to searching TeamRaiser events? That would help there since sometimes staff name an event a "local" name and it's hard to search. Having the ability to search by TR ID would be helpful since you cant modify that.