Track the number of Forward-to-friends sent by individual. This is would help us encourage sharing by rewarding users who forward in high numbers.

  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015
  • Already exists
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Citizens Utility Board
  • Oct 29, 2015

    Admin response

    This can currently be set up within Luminate Online by using the Email Response Rate Segmentation task to update a specific Engagement Factor on the individual constituent record. For step by step instructions please see the following help file. Note that if you're attempting to set up tracking for the number of tell-a-friends then you'll want to use the "Web Site Engagement" task instead.

  • Attach files
  • Brian Mucha commented
    7 Oct, 2015 08:25pm

    Note: that task doesn't know how many addresses were in the send-to field.

  • Brian Mucha commented
    7 Oct, 2015 08:24pm

    You can do this with engagement factors and the Web Site Engagement Segmentation task.