As part of my personal team this week, I noticed that the 'someone has supported you' autoresponder issues the same whether the gift is made at a personal level, or to the team as a whole.
For team gifts, this is issued to the captain, but appears the same as an individual gift. To avoid confusion in campaign management, the option of editing a second autoresponder specific to team level gifts makes sense for events which this is active on.
Area of the Product | TeamRaiser |
Org/Company Name | Parkinson Society CNO |
I agree with Brandy and Jon; there needs to be more flexibility in how we can showcase to a captain when a gift is made to the team or his/her personal page. At MSK, we've tried to add punctuation, formatting, and even a different color. All options tried negatively affected the rest of our autoresponder copy and design. We'd like to be able to customizing this with greater ease. Thanks for your consideration!
Right now, the only difference between the personal and team gift notification email is a line of copy that you set in the message catalog. It's/ almost impossible to customize.