Allow Team Captain to choose if Team Gifts are allowed

We have a number of teams who want to allow Team Gifts on their Team pages. However, if we allow team gifts throughout the entire event, we have multiple requests for donations to be moved from a team page to an individual page because the donor didn't understand or see the difference.  So, I'm either fielding calls to move soft credits or I'm fielding calls from people wanting to have Team Gifts available.  I'd like for that to be an option at the Team Level so that each team captain could decide if they want to allow team gifts.

  • Sally Riddle
  • Mar 30 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Carry The Load
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    • Brandy Reppy commented
      May 24, 2016 14:30

      We actually implemented a new checkpoint when someone is making a team donation to ask them if they're sure that's what they want to do. And then we ask them if they wanted to donate to one of the team members instead (using a lookup with the API). Such a pain but definitely cut down on the number of times we have to move "accidental" team gifts. 

    • Kathryn Hall commented
      March 30, 2016 14:51

      There's a corollary to this, and that's requests to distribute a team gift among all of the team members (with one credit card transaction). Do you get this request, too?