Ability to add variable data to links. We use SurveyMonkey for in-depth surveys with question logic and skip patterns. If Luminate had the capability to put variable data in a link, I could include their ID in the link and then match back the survey data to their record instead of using their email if they give it to me.

  • Monica Leyba
  • Jun 12 2015
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Arizona Humane Society
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    30 Jun, 2015 02:32pm

    Thanks Liz, I was going to say the same thing.

    Monica, I believe you need to know which S Tags to use to create your link and you can construct something that will work. For cons id (unique to all constituents) the tag to put in the parameter is [[S1:cons_id]].

    So you could have http://foo.org?uniqueid=[[S1:cons_id]]  as an example of a URL construction that could use this in a Luminate sent email.

    If I misunderstood the problem please let me know.



  • Liz Pomper commented
    16 Jun, 2015 07:42pm

    To clarify my first comment: I have successfully passed Constituent ID through to both Survey Monkey and Qualtrics surveys by adding variable data to the URL we send out via email.

  • Liz Pomper commented
    16 Jun, 2015 07:41pm

    You can do this. Email me at lpomper@audubon.org and I'll send over instructions.