New idea
Accept donations through Venmo
Jan 15 2020
LO - Current Gen
New Feature
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
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Related ideas
Venmo as a payment option
All digital wallet options should be available when donations are made using the memorial or tribute function in luminate and the donor wants to send an eCard.
Add in-kind donation forms that don't require credit card payment type
make it easier for donors to update their payment method.
Offer direct debit payments on donation forms to Canadian customers.
Allow donation forms to be created without requiring street address, city, and state.
Allow donors to re-opt in to accept email from donation forms
Move the "None" option in the state dropdown box to the top of the list.
Allow users to run a query for constituents who have previously donated with the dollar amount and date of donation
Acceptance of Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Samsung Pay