Allow everything to be pushed from the blueprint to the child events.

Currently there are several items you need to add to the blueprint before uploading all the child TRs or else they will not push to down to the child TRs (upsells, participant types, milestones, discounts, suggested messages, custom pages, etc).  It would be extremely helpful to be able to add these items to the blueprint and push them to the child TRs at any time.

  • Meghan Christiansen
  • Nov 28 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Feb, 2019 09:01pm

    Yes. Please implement this--it would be a big help. For this Blackbaud Support Case (01706456) We have added and/or updated discount codes in two Blueprints last week and it's still not resolved.